As some of you might already know... when you become a Stay at Home Mom, it can be easy to forget who you once were and the things you once loved.  I think that's why I prefer the term "Homemaker".  The title "Stay at Home Mom" clearly states to the Nth degree exactly what it is we do and those who can relate know how hard we work and I believe this can sometimes minimize our identity to only that... being a mom.  Now don't get me wrong... being a mom is a very honorable and proud thing to be and it entails a million different things.  For me though... "Homemaker" says more about me than it does my job.  It's a word I can make my own, specifically geared towards the things I have a passion for.  It not only includes motherhood but also the cooking and baking I do and the way I clean and decorate my home.  It can even define talents... those I already have and those I hope are forthcoming such as crocheting and sewing. 

No matter what title you choose... find yourself a passion.  Heck, find TEN passions!  Keep 'em coming too... When the blues of lost identity start knocking, hang that "no solicitors" sign on your door and behold the marvelous possibilities that lay in front of you.  It doesn't have to take a lot of money and it doesn't have to be all or nothing... Just one step at a time... a little bit here and there.  Find your passion... discover or remember something you've always been interested in or wanted to do... research it online, check out books from the library and Do It!  Spring is still in the air and it's a time for all things new.   You are the enchantress of your dwelling... go conjure up something remarkable!

~ Be Magical!
4/20/2011 02:00:47 am

Well said! Homemaker i.e. maker-of-a-home. It is so much more than being a SAHM. I think I will stop using SAHM and start using the more noble title, "Homemaker"


4/20/2011 08:24:22 am

Your welcome! Here's to all the magical Homemakers out there! :)


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