My inspiration for beginning this blog came from a list my family and I made one night at the dinner table.  We had named this list "Things we no longer have to buy".  It was a list of only three things...
Brownie Mix, Take Out Pizza and Bread.  On the table was a freshly baked pizza that I had just made from scratch.  It was melt in your mouth delicious and we swore we'd never order take out pizza again.  It did not begin here however... The magic began a week before.  There was a desire for sweetness floating through the air... but like everyone these days our funds are low.  Even the few dollars it would have taken to go buy something to ease our craving seemed like an outrageous and unnecessary expense.  I saw my apron hanging in the corner of the kitchen... proudly displayed but somewhat lonely.  I stood up with an it's about time eagerness and went to put it on.  I draped it over my head, the ties were so long I had to wrap them twice around my waist, and with the final cinch of the bow I felt it... Delirious with excitement, it's as if the apron was begging me to dance and twirl.  I went to my computer and typed "homemade brownie recipe" in the search field and up popped this a recipe.  I rushed to the cupboards and found that I had everything it called for...perfect!  

In a snap I was pouring this chocolaty, gooey, great smelling batter into an 8x8 glass pan.  As I was pouring I sighed a breath of doubt... there's no way it could be this easy.  A half hour later the house was filled with the smell of anticipation.  With oven mits on I opened the oven door, reached in and pulled out my creation.  They looked like brownies, they smelled like brownies... They were the most scrumptious brownies we had ever eaten.  It had begun... Later that week came some homemade french bread for spaghetti night and the following week my pizza.  I was in awe at what I was doing.

Inspiration came from every direction... The fact that we could lessen our trips to big box stores and save some money became very motivating.  We became members of a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) so we can create our meals out of local farm fresh organic veggies, fruits and herbs.  I researched natural ways to clean our home and learned of many things that could not only be used in the kitchen but for our bodies as well! 

I am so excited to share this journey with you!  I hope you get inspired to use YOUR magic apron that I know you have hanging up somewhere.

~ Be Magical!
4/14/2011 09:52:03 am

Loving your blog. Im a young mother also you truly inspire me

4/15/2011 01:10:29 am

I'm so happy you like it! It's comments like yours that will keep me blogging!


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