Do you have goals or maybe resolutions for the new year?  Have you failed in the past at keeping those goals or resolutions? I certainly have... I think one of the main reasons that I haven't been very successful in the past, is because they end up just being this nagging thing in the back of my head that I ignore.  This year I'm taking a different approach. 

My first step is to stop calling what I want to achieve this upcoming year "resolutions".  This word, in my opinion, puts a time frame/limit on attaining my goals which is a quick way to fail at doing so.  So this year I'm going to create a vision board or you could call it an inspiration board.  Now I'm certainly NOT the one to come up with this idea... I've heard it of it plenty of times from many people, as I'm sure you have, but I have yet to actually do it.  So I've bought my poster board and I'm ready to go. 

There are a few approaches you can take in doing a vision board.  You can take your old magazines and cut out pictures that are related to your goals, you can draw them if you're artfully inclined, you can use stickers, markers, crayons, or just simple words if you're a minimalist.  I'm still a major kid at heart and mine is going to include all of the above!  So now you know what to use.... what about what to actually put on you board?  This obviously is going to differ for everyone... so just open your mind, sit quietly, breathe and meditate on this for a while... or you may not have to.  You might have everything you want to do already at the forefront of your mind... that's great!  For those of you who don't... do not make this a grueling process... just let it come to you.  It can be things that will perhaps take all year to achieve, half the year or just a few months.  Are there any habits you may want to form or perhaps habits you may want to break?  Your board is your canvas.... and it's for YOU only... so put ANYTHING you want on it!!

Now you may ask next... how is this going to help me?  I don't know really... for all I know it may not.  But if you're anything like me... SEEING something every day, that I created with my own two hands would be a total inspiration!!  There is also this thing called the Law of Attraction.... have you ever heard of that?  Here is the Wikipedia definition: "The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results.".  I cannot tell you HOW MUCH I believe in the law of attraction and how much I have benefited from it.  Creating a vision board FULL of positive and beautiful goals sends a message out to not only YOU but the Universe on a daily basis that THIS is what you want... and not only CAN you do it but you DESERVE it as well!! 

So... are you going to create a vision board for 2013??  I am!!! I'm probably going to start on mine tonight and I can't wait to share it with you!!!  I may even be inspired to show you by video!!!  I'm so excited!!! Happy December everyone!!!

12/2/2012 03:54:47 am

I need to do this!!

Linda Leigh @ My Magick Apron
12/5/2012 11:43:46 am

You totally should!!! :)


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