"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray."
~ Rumi ~
So it's been a little over two months since my last post and I swear there's a reason for my absence!!  How does another move and a whole first trimester of pregnancy sound?  Okay so doesn't sound like much in that one sentence so let me give some more details!  My sister ended up getting transferred across country (go figure we arrive and she leaves!) and needed to sell her house.  So we quickly found ourselves a new rental home and got all moved in and are STILL unpacking boxes!  We love our new house and it's in a WONDERFUL neighborhood FULL of children.  We are hoping that we stay here for at least a couple years before having to move yet again.  We are making it feel like home even though it is a rental like I vowed to do a while ago... nothing wastes time more than waiting for what you really want.... Live in the moment... Live in the now.... Right??  So pictures are being hung and bedrooms are being decorated!  Including the nursery!!!!!

Yes you read correctly..... WE'RE PREGNANT!!!  Boy oh boy has this been a tough first trimester!!!  I have been MAJORLY sick with morning sickness which has been the MAIN reason for my absence.  Looking at a computer screen was just something I was NOT able to do until recently.  Not only because of my morning sickness but only recently did the symptom of dizziness subside!!  You always hear how every pregnancy is different.... Uhhhh YEAH!  This is NOTHING like what I experienced with my son.  I not only had morning sickness (which unfortunately is still lingering) but for the entire first trimester I had this horrible stomach ache that lasted 24/7!!  So I had all these herbal remedies ready for morning sickness and instead I was dealing with a stomach ache that I could do nothing for!!  At first I was concerned but our Midwife said all was fine and all was normal!!  So there you have it!!  I've been thinking of you EVERY day and have been very anxious to get back to y'all!!!

So let's talk about some more fun details!!  Did I say "Midwife"?  Well yes I did!!  When we were back in Kansas talking about the possibility of getting pregnant again, my husband wasn't 100% on board with a Midwife and a birthing center (even though I was), so we decided the best scenario would be a Midwife who delivered in a hospital and that's exactly what we found here in Arizona!!  What's even more special is it's at the same hospital where we had our first son! YAY!!

So... I'm not 100% yet but I can definitely get on the computer now and I'm psyched about the holidays coming up aren't you!?!?  Thanks for sticking with me and thanks for all the new "likes" on Facebook!!  How awesome is that?!  Welcome to all you newcomers... I hope you like it here!!!
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
Do or Do Not. There is no Try.
~ Yoda ~
Well Hello!!! By the way does anyone else think of the line "And all I could say was 'Hello' " every time they say "hello"?  You know from An Affair to Remember... No? Okay never mind ;) Ahem anyway.... I'm so excited to share so much with you in the near future!!!  We are semi settled here in Arizona!! I say "semi" because our living situation is currently with family and only temporary. 

Arizona so far is so much more than I expected!!  Yes I am from here and yes I've always dreamed of owning a mini farm but I hadn't quite caught the Homesteading/Farm to Fork bug until I got to Kansas.  Coming home I'm so incredibly psyched to find so many resources, events and local businesses supporting the Homesteading and Farm to Fork movement!  I have so much to learn and I can't wait to share all my findings with you!!

As I said in my Facebook post I've come up with a new Homemaker's Schedule for my Lil' Man and I.  It may sound like a lot but I think it'll flow nicely.  Remember my schedules are always a work in progress... On some days there may be a reason for our schedule to completely fly out the window and if that's the case... so be it.  I do not stress about keeping to it.  I use it as a guideline for a handful of reasons but the most important being... I've got a large lazy bone in my body and if I don't have a schedule in front of me I'm ashamed to say there may be no getting me off the couch.

So make sure you stick around!  I'm going to have TONS of awesome stuff to share with you right here from ARIZONA!!! Yay!!!
The road is smooth.  Why do you throw rocks before you?
~Ancient Expression~

Phew!!  Well we have arrived safely in Arizona to our new home!! It's so exciting to be back in the desert and at the same time it hasn't quite hit us yet!!  There is so much I have to do!!  Find doctors, dentists, vets, and come up with a new daily routine!

We are currently living with family so that's why I need to tweak our daily routine.  The hardest part about this move and living with family is realizing that we are NOT on vacation and that's where a routine will come in very handy for us.  I'm expecting a few behavioral changes in our boy because of all the changes but hopefully nothing too extreme or permanent.  That's the other difficult part about living with family is that I will have to put SOME restriction on the level of spoiling everyone will want to do. :)

I'll also be in search of local children's activities and venues which I know will be somewhat difficult because where we are is not quite as family oriented as where we just came from.  Still... Kansas provided me with some excellent ideas!  I'm also considering starting my own Meetup mom's group that will hopefully reach out to like-minded mamas like me as far as crunch goes.  We'll see if I follow through on that!

I am SO excited to explore what Arizona has to offer as far as homesteading goes... Yes I'm from here but I had not yet caught the homesteading bug prior to our departure from here so I have PLENTY to learn!!!  So far I've found a few "You Pick" farms that I'm very excited about especially after our blueberry patch experience in Kansas!! Thanks for sticking with me through the move!! See ya on Mindful Monday! Mwah!