Quick update on me: I'm feeling a bit better but I went into a dermatologist for a second opinion because I wasn't happy with the fact that the first doctor I saw put me on medication without knowing for sure whether or not it was Shingles.  So when the dermatologist came in to see me he of course immediately and with complete certainty said it was NOT Shingles... but he did not know what it was either.  So they ended up doing a biopsy... Ouch! :( But I will be happy to figure out what it is in one or two weeks when the results come back.  In the mean time I'm getting much relief from the cool herbal compresses I'm making from the Camomile, Comfrey and Plantain. 

Now onto the exciting news... If you recall from a post way back when I am a part of a wonderful mom's group called Mothers and More.  Well they have asked me to give a presentation on Homesteading at our monthly meeting in September!! :D How fun is that!?  I'm so excited to do this and share with other mom's the benefit and excitement of homesteading and being prepared.  I'm gathering all sorts of fun things and handouts together and it's going to be a fun night!  I have one month to prepare which is perfect.  As soon as I get all the materials together and have the presentation organized and laid out I'll try and figure out how to post on here as well so I can share it with all of you!

I hope everyone is doing well and as soon as I can get up and move around without causing myself a little pain I have quite a few things I want to give a go at and I'll make sure to have the camera handy so I can come and post about everything... the tiny projects in my future will consist of; sewing a piece of clothing, canning (yikes!), making jam, making raspberry cordial (yum!), and dehydrating some food!!

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