I truly hope all of you are enjoying my blog.  I love hearing from you about anything at all so make sure to leave comments whenever you'd like!  I'm quite new to blogging but I'm loving it and I'm perfecting my blog as I go so thanks for sticking with me through all my little modifications.  I'm liking the layout I have now and what's great is there's always room for me to add as my magick apron inspires me!  

I've changed my Made From Scratch page into a blog format so recipes can be easier for me to post and easier for you to find... and I also added a few more recipes!  I removed My Magick Menu and replaced it with Magick From the Farm since I've now discovered that my menu will be changing weekly depending on what I receive in my CSA delivery each Monday.  There you will find what I got in my delivery, any ideas and tips I have regarding specific vegetables and herbs, and my weekly menu.  I'll soon be adding more pictures to My Kitchen Garden Page so you can watch my garden grow!

I truly love what I am doing and each and every one of you inspire me to continue to make this blog a warm and welcoming place where you'll love to come and sit a spell.  

~ Be Magical!

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